Welcome to Banneker Elementary School Library
Librarian.........................Meaghan Stevens
Banneker's library collection consists of books, nonprint materials, STEAM kits, and a professional collection. Makerspace materials provide opportunities for STEAM education through student-centered, hands-on learning.
Students are taught research skills so that they are able to access and use the information that they need.
Students are encouraged to enjoy the experience of reading for pleasure.
Students are encouraged to experience a variety of reading materials and genres.
The library supports the teachers with the SOL objectives and provides them with materials and information.
Students are provided access to STEM materials for lessons in technology.
Students are taught how to be responsible digital citizens through the Common Sense Media program.
Library Staff
Mrs. Stevens is really excited to be the Librarian and Instructional Facilitator of Technology at Banneker! She attended Longwood University where she earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and later her Master's Degree in Library Science. Please feel free to contact her at Email Meaghan Stevens if you have any questions.
Elementary School - Online Resources
All subscription databases can be accessed from school without logging in. From home, however, please use LCPS Go, and then click on "Library Resources" for password-free access to all.
Follett Destiny Library Catalog - Search Loudoun County Public Schools' library collections, containing over 1.5 million books, e-books, and other great physical and digital resources
MackinVIA - Thousands of e-books, audio books, and links to other cool online stuff provided by LCPS.
BrainPop - Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social studies, arts & Music and English movies, quizzes, activity pages and school homework help for students grade 4-12
Tumble Book Library - A collection of animated, elementary level talking picture books. TumbleBooks are created from existing popular picture books, adding sound, animation, music and narration
BrainPopJr - Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies, Arts, Music and English movies, games, quizzes, activity pages and school homework help for students. Grades 3-5
TumbleBookCloud Jr. - An online collection of ebooks and read-along chapter books, graphic novels, educational videos, and audio books! It’s designed specifically for elementary and middle schools.
Britannica School - The go-to site for research offering thousands of up-to-date, curated, and curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, and research tools.
Videoblocks for Education - A database of royalty free and copyright safe multimedia clips that students and teachers can legally download and use in a variety of video editing and media projects.
Image Quest - Access millions of rights-cleared images that have already been cited for projects and presentations
World Book Kids - A premier online resource developed especially for young users. The site has been optimized for tablets and features image-based navigation, easy-to-read articles, thousands of images and videos as well as a wealth of engaging games, science projects, and activities.
CultureGrams - Up-to-date facts about countries of the world with photos, recipes, maps.
World Book Discover - An easy-to-read interactive encyclopedia for upper elementary grades with thousands of images and videos, as well as a wealth of engaging games, science projects, and activities.
Explora - EBSCO's new dedicated search interface (replaces Searchasaurus) for all of their databases. Search by keyword or by topic to find the most useful search results in magazines, reference books, photos, flags, etc.
BrainPop Español -Las ciencias animadas, la salud, la tecnología, las matemáticas, las ciencias sociales, las artes y música y películas en español, pruebas, páginas con actividades y ayuda con tarea para estudiantes de grados 4 a 12. - Spanish
Kids InfoBits - Database for early researchers: covers geography, current events, the arts, science, health, people, government, history, sports and more.
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos - World Book’s content, media, and interactive features in Spanish
National Geographic Kids - Amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space. Includes National Geographic Kids magazine (2009-present), over 200 National Geographic Kids books, and over 550 downloadable images.
L'Encyclopédie Découverte - World Book's content, media and interactive features in French
NoveList -The complete readers' advisory solution, empowers librarians, engages readers and connects communities.
Biblioteca TumbleBook - Colección en línea de títulos de lectura.Spanish
PebbleGo - Access the award winning PreK-3 database for reading and research. This simple to navigate database contains key reading supports such as read-along audio and word-by-word highlighting.
Universalis Junior -This French-Language reference tool for Ages 7 and up offers access to more than 4,000 articles covering all subjects.
SAFARI Montage - Thousands of educational videos and multimedia titles available from school or at home (use your LCPS network name and password to log in).
Britannica Escolar- This Spanish database is designed for students in elementary and middle schools and is similar in design to Britannica School. It has accurate and age-appropriate content for native Spanish speakers, bilingual students, and students learning Spanish.