Dual Language Celebration. Photos of elementary age students in school

Kindergartners at Potowmack and Sanders Corner Elementary Schools, completing their first year in the LCPS Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program, showcased their progress toward bilingualism at their end-of-year celebrations.   

Families and guests gathered for the bilingual celebration, filled with pride as they celebrated students' achievements. They listened to bilingual song performances, a testament to their growing language skills, and applauded each certificate and medal presentation. The event marked the end of the program's inaugural class, which immersed students in a new language environment for Kindergarten. It shared a snippet of the meaningful and natural interactions students experienced in both English and Spanish as they increased their understanding and acquisition of a second language.  Supportive instruction developed students' early literacy skills, reading and math, and increased positive interdependence with peers.

Potowmack Elementary Principal Mark Hayden remarked, "This is the first time we have provided bilingual instruction in LCPS. Our DLI program includes Spanish Language Arts and helps build biliteracy, biculturality, and bilingual skills."

"The purpose of the celebration is to applaud the success of all students and recognize and celebrate the integral role of their families and the community in their journey. These four classes are pioneers of this transformative program and are shining examples of the positive outcomes of being Dual Immersion students. Their success is a testament to the strong support and encouragement they have received from their families and the community," Luisa Quintero, Specialist in the LCPS World Language and Cultures Office, added.

The Dual-language classrooms reflect a diverse group of students who receive instruction in both English and Spanish. Studies have shown that dual language positively impacts children's educational path by building cultural understanding, language proficiency, and cognitive skills.  Children in the LCPS Dual Language Immersion program have strengthened their multilingual vocabulary while embracing their unique identities and cultural backgrounds.  Each family received a bilingual journal to take home to continue their bilingual educational journey over the summer. 

Students will continue their road to bilingualism and biliteracy next year, in first grade, while welcoming a new class of Kindergarten students.

For more information about the LCPS DLI program, visit the DLI program website.

Published June 13, 2024