The following LCPS Gifted Education Program goals provide students from kindergarten through high school with support and structure for finding challenge in the school environment while encouraging students to achieve their maximum potential.
1. To become divergent creative thinkers who recognize problems and solve them.
2. To construct personal meaning and understanding of others and of the world around them.
3. To develop the capacity for self-assessment.
At the elementary level, LCPS provides gifted education services through the following programs:
SEARCH: All kindergarten through third grade students participate in bi-weekly SEARCH lessons within the regular classroom environment.
EDGE: Identified second through fifth grade students meet in weekly or biweekly small groups.
DCI: Identified fourth and fifth graders engage in push-in and pull-out activities in mathemathics and/or language arts.
FUSION: Identified fourth and fifth graders engage in push-in and pull-out enrichment activities in mathematics, language arts, and a thematic unit of study.